Additional Support Material
Offshore and Marine
Lesson Viewed:
Lesson 1 - Coating Application and Undocking
To understand the dry-docking process with regard to ship painting. All dockings follow a similar sequence of events.
Become familiar with the reasons and procedures for the specification including washing, surface preparation, paint application and un-docking.
Lesson 2 - Outside Shell Coating Systems
The objective of this training module is to give an understanding of the use of protective coatings to the outside shell on ships and vessels.
All parts of the outside shell will be reviewed including the underwater locations, intermittent wet/dry locations and topside.
Lesson 3 - Cargo Tank Coating Systems
The objective of this unit is to give an insight into the coating systems used for cargo tanks on sea going vessels.
Lesson 4 - Cargo Hold Coating Systems
The objective of this unit is to give an overview of the coating systems used for cargo holds on sea going vessels.
A review of coating properties, types, damage and repairs will also be conducted.
Lesson 5 - Superstructure Coating Systems
The objective of this unit is to give a brief overview of the coating systems employed on the superstructure or accommodation unit.
Lesson 6 - Main Deck Coating Systems
The objective of this unit is to give an insight into the coating systems used for the main decks on sea going vessels.
Lesson 7 - Offshore Construction
The objective of this training unit is to review offshore construction and the methods used for corrosion control with the use of protective coatings.
The unit will review the various types of offshore construction and discuss the different types of coating systems used around the structure.
Product prequalification and specifications will also be reviewed.
Lesson 8 - Offshore Maintenance
The objective to this training unit is to give a review of offshore maintenance.
Basic training and qualification of personnel, along with types and methods of surface preparation plus coating systems suitable for offshore maintenance will be covered.
The Health and Safety implications of working in this hazardous and hostile environment will be reviewed along with general logistics.
Lesson 9 - In-Docking, Specification & Surface Preparation
To understand the dry-docking process with regard to ship painting. All dockings follow a similar sequence of events.
Become familiar with the reasons and procedures for the specification including washing, surface preparation, paint application and un-docking.