Marine Coating Application
Marine Coating application

Marine Coating application

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Lesson 1 - Design of a Ship and Type of Ships

The objective of this Lesson is to provide an overview of the various designs of Ships and Carriers

Lesson 2 - Why we paint ships

This training Lesson aims to review why paints and coatings protect ships.

Lesson 3 - Methods of surface preparation on ships

The objective of this training Lesson is to review the different types and methods of surface preparation used on ships.

Lesson 4 - Ship New Build - Coating Operations

The objective of this training Lesson is to review the methodology of ship building and the coating operations used in the ship building process.
Non-coated items are either masked, i.e. the windows, or installed at a later date.

Lesson 5 - On Board Maintenance

The objective of this training Lesson is to review how shipboard maintenance is conducted while the ship is in service.

Lesson 6 - Outside Shell Coating Systems

The objective of this training Lesson is to understand the use of protective coatings to the outside shell on ships and vessels.
All parts of the outside shell, including the underwater locations, intermittent wet/dry locations, and topside, will be reviewed.

Lesson 7 - Cargo Tank Coating Systems

The objective of this Lesson is to give an insight into the coating systems used for cargo tanks on sea going vessels.

Lesson 8 - Cargo Hold Coating Systems

This lesson's objective is to give an overview of the coating systems used for cargo holds on seagoing vessels.
A review of coating properties, types, damage and repairs will also be conducted.

Lesson 9 - Superstructure Coating Systems

This lesson's objective is to give a brief overview of the coating systems employed on the superstructure or accommodation unit.

Lesson 10 - Main Deck Coating Systems

The objective of this Lesson is to give an insight into the coating systems used for the main decks on sea going vessels.

Lesson 11 - In-Docking, Specification and Surface Preparation

To understand the dry-docking process with regard to ship painting. All dockings follow a similar sequence of events.
Become familiar with the reasons and procedures for the specification including washing, surface preparation, paint application and un-docking.

Lesson 12 - Coating Application and Undocking

To understand the dry-docking process with regard to ship painting. All dockings follow a similar sequence of events.
Become familiar with the reasons and procedures for the specification including washing, surface preparation, paint application and un-docking.

Lesson 13 - How to Prepare and Line a Tank

The objective of this training Lesson is to fully review the surface preparation and coating application (lining) to tanks on ships and vessels.
As the subject is vast, we will deal with the re-coating of cargo tanks in a typical chemical carrier's maintenance and repair yard.

Lesson 14 - Ballast Tank Maintenance

This training Lesson reviews ballast tank maintenance painting.

Lesson 15 - Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP)

The objective of this training Lesson is to review surface preparation and coating application on glass reinforced plastic marine vessels.